Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Sugessted Books
1) There Is No God: Atheists In America 
              Yancey, George. There Is No God: Atheists In America. Lanham, UK: Rowman & Littlefeild Publishers, 2013. Book
2) The Cambridge Companion To Atheism
Martin, Michael. The Cambridge Companion to Atheism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007, Book
3) "God Owes Us An Apology"
Ehrenreich, Barbara. “God Owes Us an Apology,” The Progressive, vol. 69, March 2005, pg. 16
4) Atheist Manifesto
Onfray, Michel. Atheist Manifesto, New York: Arcade Publishing, 2007, Book
5) The Incoming Sea Of Faith
McGrath, Alister. “The Incoming Sea of Faith,” The Spectator, 2004, pg.12


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