Monday, November 17, 2014

Atheism means to not beleive in God or any other deities. Atheists are a small minority although their numbers may be growing. Atheists consider themselves as rationalists or free thinkers. They put a lot of faith in science and do not like to look at things from an emotional stand point. There is also different rankings of atheists from the normal moderate, activist, and even millitant. Atheism and religion will never see eye to eye even though some attempted to try it has never worked out. The future of atheism tends to be growing as people who were once called nones (people who did not beleive in anything) are starting to switch over to atheism.The word atheist originally meant to cancel religion. In more modern times it is used to counter religious influences. Both atheism and religion are old, and their roots originate at the beginning of recorded history. Though atheism has grown, the future of atheism is undecided. The impact of atheism on society may be just to open people’s minds up to new ideas. It may be that atheism and religion will never agree. The strong beliefs on either side make it hard for them to come to an agreement.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

In this video an atheist or "non-beleiver" gives his opinion on religion, mostly about Christianity. He tells that religion is misleading and teaches people the wrong things. He hopes for a non-believer president one day and thinks peoples ideas on how they should live are self evident.

"Athesim Its by Nature." MccainisthroughX, 23 Mar. 2012. Web. 3 Dec. 2014. <>.